We wanted to take a second to welcome Auto MM 2016 Inc to the AutoPro.io family!
They are one of the first car dealerships to get AutoPro.io dealership management software, in Laval, Quebec.
AutoPro.io is now powering their car dealership’s website, as well as their back-end operations with our car dealership management software!
Their previous website was a generic WordPress website, offering no additional tools.No way to generate important documents, track expenses or anything else for that matter.
To display their inventory, they were simply using their Kijiji dealer profile page, giving them very little control over their business’ branding and appearance online.
The AutoPro.io platform is a significant upgrade to their overall operations.
Even better, we had the team’s new dealership website up and running for them in under 24 hours, making sure they didn’t have to wait!