With the latest update to the AutoPro.io dealership management software (DMS), choosing exactly which vehicles are synced to each of your connected platforms is now possible.
Some platforms may be better for higher end cars, and you wish to exclude your lower priced units.
Your plan on some platforms may have a vehicle limit, and you may wish to showcase more certain units over others.
No matter the reason, you may sometimes wish to exclude certain vehicles from certain data feeds.
With our latest software update, it is now possible for you to select exactly which vehicles are included for the data sync feed for each individual platform.
How does it work?
Our data sync feature is included free of charge for all AutoPro.io members.
After enabling and configuring the individual data syncs, you will have access to data sync options on the individual vehicle profiles.
By default, all vehicles visible on the website will be exported to each platform.
With our latest update, you can now exclude individual vehicles from the data feed for a particular platform.
The data sync panel will display all enabled platforms with data-syncs.
After clicking the edit button, the list will transform into selectable check boxes that will allow you to select which data feeds that particular vehicle should be excluded from.
Click the save button and voila. That’s it.
The vehicle is now removed from the selected data feeds.
It’s that simple.